2023 school year is about to Close. Let’s make it a good one!
Seniors Mack Buckmier, Kyle Burwick, and Zach Rickersten were accompanied by juniors Emily Shirek and Alyssa Andress to Lemmon on the morning of April 15th. It was there they proceeded to go 6-1 against towns from around the area to come out on top at the KNDC/KBJM Quiz Bowl competition for 2019. This was the first time Hettinger has ever won the competition.
Adventures to the Thunder Spirit Wind Farm
The anthropology class lucky enough to spend the day with Darrin Holzer at the wind turbines north of town for a morning full of information and observation. MDU was gracious enough to let us check out the inner workings of the tower as well as observe the start and stop functions of a turbine.
8th grade Geography students who need an example on what their South America presentations should look like may use the bottom two examples.